IIB2024 welcomes papers covering various intergranular and interphase boundaries in materials. IIB 2024 will be a one-session conference based on invited lectures, oral presentations, extended discussion periods, and poster sessions (posters will be exposed during entire duration of the conference).
Abstracts and presentations are in English. When you prepare an abstract to IIB2024, please use the provided template. Please use full first name and last name of all author, and underline the name of the presenting author. To avoid possible format change, it is suggested to submit your abstract in PDF form. Please indicate with the keywords on the materials, main methods, e.g., electron microscopy or simulation, so that Conference Secretariat can send your abstract to an appropriate reviewer.
Important dates
Extended deadline for submission abstract: February 29th, 2024
Notification of acceptance: March 31st, 2024
A variety of hot topics will include but not limited to:
- Characterization of interfaces
- Modeling of interfaces
- Thermodynamics and kinetics of interfaces
- Properties of interfaces
- Interfaces in metals, ceramics, composites, and organic materials
- Interfaces in electronic, magnetic, and energy materials
- Interfaces in biomaterials, nanomaterials, and emerging materials