To prepare your submision, you can use this template. Please select the A4 format (not Letter format) and do not exceed one page length. The book of abstract will be available in digital version (downloadable from the web site and given on the USB-key) but some issues will be printed in black-and-white only. So take care with the pictures/schemas and their contrast. Please note that the extended deadline of submission for oral or poster presentation is February 29th, 2024.
IMPORTANT – Participants from the mainland of China: after filling the registration form, please contact Professor Xinfu Gu via Wechat (ID: guxinfu-cn) for the details about the advanced payment of registration fees. All other participants can regularize and pay their fee online by credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express) or by wire transfer.
If you already submitted a contribution, you don’t need to fill in a new form but just log on your profile page.