Title of the invited presentation:
“Grain Boundaries in Solar Cells: Structure-Property Correlations”
Dr. Chen Li received a B.Sc. in Materials Physics from Wuhan University, China, and a Ph.D. in Condensed Matter Physics from the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing. In 2012 she took a postdoc position in Oak Ridge National Laboratory, using electron microscopy to study defects especially grain boundaries in CdTe solar cells. Her work revealed the physical reason why Cl-treatment is so beneficial. In 2014 she moved to the University of Vienna and received her first grant – an EU Marie Curie fellowship studying interfaces of mineral oxides. In 2017 she moved to the Max Planck Institute for Solid State research in Stuttgart, developing in-situ microscopy to understand the growth of solar materials. From April 2019, she will join the Electron microscopy for Materials science institute, at the University of Antwerp, continuing her work on understanding structure-property correlations in energy materials.