Title of the invited presentation:
“Unveiling metal-insulator transition in vanadium oxides”
Dr. Si-Young Choi is an associate professor in department of materials science and engineering at POSTECH. He installed JEOL ARM-200F with ASCOR for laboratory research and established Advanced Electron Microscopy & Functional Imaging Laboratory based on the aberration-corrected STEM. Based on his experience in the relevant fields, he recently established Artificial Intelligence based Materials Analysis Center in POSTECH.
He had got his PhD degree in Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology in 2004. Since then, he was a fellow researcher in the field of aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy in Oxford University and the University of Tokyo. In 2008, he joined Korea Institute of Materials Science (KIMS). He served as Head of Department of Materials Modeling & Characterization and built up the probe-corrected JEOL 2100F, differential phase contrast detector system, and various in-situ observation facilities during his stay in KIMS. In 2017, he moved to department of materials science and engineering at POSTECH.
His main specialty is the atomic scale analysis via aberration-corrected STEM in the variety of functional oxides, such as ferroelectric/piezoelectric perovskite oxides, Li-ion battery cathode oxides, and multiferroic oxides, thereby providing direct evidence of the atomic scale evolution of material property. Therefore, he and his group focus on the application of aberration-corrected STEM with emphasis on the unprecedented atomic scale imaging techniques aimed at unraveling and understanding the various material property-dependent device performance.